Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Boulder Day 2

Tuesday morning I expected to Sleep in, but i naturally woke up around 7:30 am.. and i actually felt rested!  The day started off routine enough. Some of my activities included:

-6 mile jog down the Boulder Creek Path
-First trip to Sprouts, the local WholeFoods-type grocery store
-11am Swim with Boulder Aquatic Masters (BAM) at Scott Carpenter Pool (50 meter pools are awesome)
-Watch the Tour De France, Nap, recover, etc
-5pm Group ride out of North Boulder called the Bus-stop Ride (up to Lyons & around). It was insane!
-Registered & got my BAM card at the North Boulder Rec Center
-Chill out, get ready to go out with the Boys
-Head to "The Dark Horse", started with Dinner & a pitcher of Bud Light in preparation for Tuesday Tryke Night (Yes, it a drinking game that involved racing throughout the Bar on a Tricycle).. my teammate Andrew Murphy & I definitely did NOT get the win!
-House Party with Andy's Co-workers
-Bed around 1am

All in all, it was a great first night out on the town, and it definitely let me relax and start unwinding a bit out here.  Moving ahead, i probably won't go out too often, but being 21 now has allowed me to start learning my limits and how to be more responsible while out (which was definitely not the case for me in the past!)

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